
Solyanik.Farm is a small farm in Methow Valley, at the end of the road, surrounded by national forest.

It is a brainchild of a family of software engineers from Seattle.

A few years ago we realized that we needed a more active lifestyle. Our work days were spent sitting on our butts, and this was really bad for our health. Gym was boring. Working on the farm, tending the animals, building fences, planting, laying irrigation lines felt like meaningful work that also provided physical exercise (ans some unusually tasty food).

The original holding was 20 acres, but over the years we were lucky to be able to expand it to almost 80 acres with several wells, outbuildings, workshops, barns, garages, equipment sheds, pastures, and hay fields. We've built a lot of fence, planted many trees, built several irrigation systems, poultry and animal pens, and had tons of fun.

We learned to operate a tractor, plow fields, cut and bale hay, hatch turkeys, and many other things. If you live in Seattle area, work in tech, and are thinking about embarking on a similar adventure, drop us a line.